Rust Interview Puzzles: Ugly numbers

Rust Interview Puzzles: Ugly numbers


Given a provided integer number n, we need to check whether this number is Ugly. Ugly numbers are a sequence of numbers whose only prime factors are 2, 3 or 5. In other words, these numbers are divisible only by 2, 3 or 5 prime numbers (but not by other prime numbers). The first few ugly numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18... By convention, 1 is also included.


Input nOutputExplanation
10truePrime factors: 2, 5
11falsePrime factors: 11
12truePrime factors: 2, 3
13falsePrime factors: 13
14falsePrime factors: 2, 7
15truePrime factors: 3, 5


fn is_ugly_number(mut n: i32) -> bool {
    while n > 1 {
        match n {
            _ if n % 2 == 0 => n /= 2,
            _ if n % 3 == 0 => n /= 3,
            _ if n % 5 == 0 => n /= 5,
            _ => return false,
    return n == 1;


One simple way to solve the puzzle is to iteratively divide the input number n by 2 as long as it is divisible (n % 2 == 0). If the current number n is not divisible by 2, then we try to divide it by 3 and 5. If the current number n that is not divisible by any of 2, 3, 5, then we could conclude that the number is not ugly (return false). Otherwise, we continue while n > 1. In the end, the remaining number n should be equal to 1 for the input number to be deemed Ugly.


The time complexity of the solution is O(log n) (where n is the input integer number). The auxiliary space complexity is O(1).

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